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Referring your client to Safety Net Life Insurance Advice

Whether you are an Accountant, Mortgage Broker, Financial Adviser or a General Insurance Broker, by exploring this page, you are demonstrating your duty of care to your clients and this act alone is commensurate with the type of professionals Safety Net Life Insurance Advice loves to work with.

You have a client, and are concerned how they, their family or business could financially cope should they pass away, become disabled or suffer a serious medical condition. Alternatively, your client has existing protection in place and you are concerned that they are not getting a level of service they deserve. Whatever the reasons for your inquiry, Safety Net Life Insurance Advice can help.

Safety Net Life Insurance Advice partners with you to ensure your clients goals and objectives are the priority and nothing else.

  Scroll down to understand the process...

Areas of protection applicable/relevant to your client -


Asset Protection

Which is cover to clear business loans, which in turn releases business / personal property and assets as security

Ownership Protection

Which is using insurance as a funding mechanism to payout a deceased or injured business partner, in exchange for their shares in the business.

Revenue Protection

Which is cover to replace lost revenue / expertise should the business lose a key employee necessary for the business' ability to generate income.

Income & Business Expenses Protection

Which provides an ill or injured person with replacement income. For business owners, a monthly benefit to help with ongoing expenses like rent.

Family Protection

Which is cover to maintain your family's lifestyle by ensuring a sufficient source of income, debts repaid, and children's school fees are covered.



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Client consents to Safety Net Life Insurance Advice Pty Ltd contacting your client
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